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Support for Parents

Parents play a vital role in education. When parents are engaged and involved, everyone benefits – pupils, parents, families, teachers, schools and communities, this enables Reach Academy to be an enriched positive place to teach, learn and grow.

Our aim at Reach Academy is to engage with parents and families creating caring and trusting relationships. Together we can identify any barriers then using key strategies and personalised interventions we can proactively begin to break down such barriers.

At Reach Academy we recognise that all families face additional challenges at times and may need additional support. We can signpost families to agencies that can offer this and provide reassurance and practical guidance. Working with our pupils contextually is essential to ensure that they can thrive and ensure best outcomes academically, socially and emotionally.

In addition, the websites below provide high quality information for parents and carers about support their children with any Safeguarding concerns.

Net Aware: Your Guide to Apps, Games and Social Media Sites Find Out More
Parent Zone: The Experts in Digital Family Life Find Out More
Childline Find Out More
Kirklees Safeguarding Children Partnership Find Out More
Barnardos Find Out More

Get in Touch

Reach Academy

The Field Hill Centre
WF17 0BQ

Telephone01924 478482


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