At Reach Academy, we work closely with parents and carers to ensure that the support that we offer is of the highest quality. To help us with this, we regularly ask for Parents/ Carers feedback and views.
Reach Parent/Carer Feedback
When we asked parents and carers how happy they were, on a scale of 1-5, with the service their children received at Reach Academy, the average score was 4.25.
100% of parents/ Carers are happy with changes that have been made at Reach Academy.
100% of parents/carers are happy with the levels of communication that they receive from Reach Academy.
75% of parents/carers feel that their child is happy attending Reach Academy.
100% of parents feel that their children are safe attending Reach Academy.
100% of Parents/Carers feel their child received a balanced and effective curriculum offer at Reach Academy.
100% of Parents/Carers feel that their child’s needs are being effectively met at Reach Academy.