The Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE) 2022 defines safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children as:
- protecting children from maltreatment;
- preventing impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development;
- ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; and
- taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.
At Reach Academy, we take our role in safeguarding extremely seriously. Our staff will do everything they can to protect students from harm.
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, and all of our staff are trained to be alert and aware of the signs and indicators of abuse.
Where possible, we will identify any difficulties or concerns early in order to act preventatively, because we believe in early help processes.
We will always provide support and advice to families and parents/carers, whilst acting in the best interest of our students at all times.